Losing a loved one in a preventable car accident is understandably traumatic for surviving family members. Dealing with the financial consequences at the same time exacerbates the trauma. In Delaware and elsewhere, if the surviving family members can prove another...
Delaware’s Injury & Medical Malpractice Leaders
Personal Injury
Mitigating potential hazards with pedestrian safety procedures
There could be a multitude of potential benefits to choosing to most of your traveling via the sidewalk instead of the alternatives. As a pedestrian, you might not need to worry about finding a parking space or getting stuck in a traffic jam, and such a decision could...
Drunk drivers make Delaware roads dangerous
While you and all other licensed drivers in your Delaware household no doubt try to be safe drivers who always adhere to traffic laws, there’s nothing you can do about another driver’s decisions and actions behind the wheel. You might be driving along in an...
Recalled bottled water continue to pose health risks
According to the Food and Drug Administration, bottled water under the Real Water Inc. trademark is still available, despite the recall issued earlier in Delaware and across the country. The agency’s investigators conducted an audit of the manufacturer during March....
Approximately 5 million U.S. elders are abused each year
There is a silent enemy of seniors in Delaware and other states that lays in wait to rob them of their security and dignity. Sadly, in some cases, it even robs them of their lives. It is estimated that about 25% of cases involving abuse of adults over 65 years goes...
Consumers warned about treadmill risks after child dies
Consumers in Delaware and across the country who own Tread+ treadmills were urged by the Consumer Product Safety Commission to stop using them immediately. Reportedly, this warning followed more than 40 reports about incidents in which children and even a pet...
Limiting cyclist hazards with essential bicycle safety tips
With warmer temperatures rolling in, it might be getting close to that time of year in which you choose to do a significant portion of your traveling via bicycle. A similar means of transportation may not only allow you to skip out on gas prices, but you might also...
Injured in a bicycle accident? Here’s what you should know
Whether you ride a bicycle for enjoyment or out of necessity, you deserve to feel safe on the road. Unfortunately, you already know all too well that some drivers in Delaware simply do not like to share the road. If you are recovering from a serious bicycle accident,...
Defensive driving best weapon against car accidents
Drivers in Delaware and elsewhere are frequently reminded that defensive driving is the most effective way to stay safe on the highways. But what exactly is defensive driving, and how can it prevent car accidents? It involves drivers anticipating potential problems...
Covering some facts surrounding pedestrian accidents
While there may be a multitude of possible benefits to walking as a primary means of travel, there may also be some inherent risks involved. As a pedestrian, you may have little to shield you from harm, and you might also find it difficult to escape to safety should a...