Delaware’s Injury & Medical Malpractice Leaders

Distracted driving kills

On Behalf of | Sep 25, 2021 | Car Accidents

Between smartphones, computers and a seemingly endless option of streaming services with new TV shows, it can be difficult to focus on just one thing at a time. However, there is one place that people should never try to multitask — behind the wheel of a vehicle. Distracted driving is extremely dangerous, and drivers who engage in this behavior put everyone else on the road at risk for injury or even death.

Distracted driving defined

There might be some confusion among Delaware drivers about what distracted driving really is. A lot of people associate distracted driving with cell phone use, but it is actually anything that takes a driver’s eyes, hand or mind off the wheel or road. Drivers who engage in these types of behaviors tend to have slower reaction times and significantly higher risks of causing accidents.

People are dying

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that 3,142 people died in distracted driving accidents in 2019. Many people are injured too, around 700 every day according to the National Safety Council. A few things that all drivers can do to reduce the risk of distracted driving accidents include:

  • Putting phones out of reach while driving
  • Not eating behind the wheel
  • Allowing enough travel time to avoid rushing

A distracted driving accident can have long-reaching consequences for victims. On top of physical injuries, victims often have to deal with related medical bills, lost wages and emotional trauma. Navigating these damages on one’s own can be complicated at best, which is why some victims in Delaware choose to pursue compensation via the actions of a successfully navigated personal injury suit.

