No matter your age, occupation or personal activity routine, there are no doubt numerous issues in your daily life that can place you at risk for a traumatic brain injury. It’s likely not something you constantly think about; however, many everyday activities can result in unexpected injury, such as a motor vehicle collision, sporting accident or even a slip and fall on a wet floor.
The average Delaware physician knows how to recognize brain injury symptoms. For instance, if you were recently involved in a car accident and tell your doctor that you’re having trouble forming coherent thoughts or are experiencing ringing in your ears or headache, he or she would know to run certain tests to rule out a TBI.
TBIs are often fatal
If you’ve fallen down a set of stairs or were hit by a drunk driver while traveling, it’s always best to seek immediate medical attention even if you don’t think you have suffered severe injuries. Perhaps your child took a hit on a football field and is feeling sleepy later that day at the dinner table. A TBI is not always immediately apparent, which is why it’s best to obtain a medical examination.
In 2019, approximately 61,000 fatalities occurred in the United States that were directly related to brain injuries. Nearly half of all people admitted to the hospital for suspected brain injuries have recently fallen on a hard surface. Then again, you might have suffered an injury in childhood that is causing TBI symptoms in adulthood. In any event, reporting symptoms to your doctor is the first logical step to take to address the issue.
Misdiagnosis or substandard care can have disastrous results
When you visit a doctor’s office or emergency room to report adverse health symptoms, you can reasonably expect that an attending physician and medical team will provide quality care in accordance with state laws and accepted safety standards of the medical industry. If your doctor fails to take appropriate action when you show signs of a TBI, you can wind up in a worsened condition.
Failing to treat a brain injury can have life-threatening consequences, especially if there is bleeding or swelling near the brain. A moderate or severe TBI might require long-term care, such as physical therapy or in-home nursing assistance during recovery. If a doctor is negligent in his or her duties, it might prevent you from getting the care you need. When another person’s negligence causes physical, emotional or economic damages, a recovering victim may seek restitution in court.