Delaware’s Injury & Medical Malpractice Leaders

Aggressive driving is more prevalent among males

On Behalf of | Feb 3, 2021 | Car Accidents

Drivers of all ages and genders in Delaware can have aggressive reactions to the actions of other drivers. According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, male drivers are more likely to drive aggressively. They honk, make rude hand gestures, tailgate and speed in reaction to their frustration on the roads. However, the survey also found that many women admitted to running red lights and engaging in other dangerous driving.

In these times of social distancing and lockdowns, tensions are elevated, and many drivers struggle to keep their cool. AAA is highlighting the risks of cutting others off, running red lights, speeding and other dangerous driving habits. It also reminds drivers that speeding makes an insignificant difference in arrival times.

The agency says compliance with the following rules can prevent accidents:

  • Do not exceed posted speed limits.
  • Always use turn signals.
  • Maintain a safe following distance.
  • Use high beams in a responsible way.
  • Allow other drivers to merge safely.

Drivers are advised to breathe deeply and remain calm when they cross paths with aggressive drivers. Maintaining a safe distance from other drivers will limit the risks of becoming a victim of aggressive drivers who seldom consider that their behavior threatens others’ lives.

The following tips could help to stay safe when encountering aggressive drivers:

  • Avoid driving that would force other drivers to change their direction or speed.
  • Avoid driving that causes other drivers to slam on brakes.
  • Avoid responding to aggressive drivers and try to be forgiving and tolerant.
  • Avoid making eye contact with aggressive drivers.

Drivers in Delaware who suffer injuries in car accidents caused by aggressive drivers could pursue financial relief by filing personal injury lawsuits in a civil court. A successfully presented claim requires proof of negligence and documented claims to cover medical expenses and other financial losses. Emotional damage like pain and suffering could form part of the claim for adjudication by the court.


