Delaware’s Injury & Medical Malpractice Leaders

Medical Malpractice: Misdiagnosis often lead to complications

On Behalf of | Jun 22, 2020 | Medical Malpractice

Medical professionals spend many years studying before they can practice medicine and diagnose illnesses. Most people in Delaware and other states trust doctors to diagnose and treat them accurately. Sadly, the number of medical malpractice claims filed in the courts nationwide shows that misdiagnosis is not at all uncommon. Reportedly, some medical conditions are more likely to be misdiagnosed than others.

The Journal of Clinical Oncology reports that a significant percentage of cancers are misdiagnosed due to the physician spending insufficient time with the patient and inaccurate gathering of medical history. These include breast cancer, sarcomas, lymphoma, melanoma and colorectal cancer. Heart attack misdiagnosis often occurs because the symptoms vary so much that they are mistaken for other conditions.

In many cases, the symptoms of stroke, especially among younger patients, are mistaken for alcohol intoxication, vertigo or migraine. Celiac disease is often mistaken for irritable bowel syndrome because the symptoms are often hidden. Thyroid imbalances occur when the thyroid produces too little or too much, and the symptoms could lead to incorrect diagnosis such as depression.

Chest pain, breathing problems, anxiety and fainting are symptoms of pulmonary embolism, but they are often mistaken for heart attack or pneumonia. Victims of misdiagnosis or other forms of medical  malpractice may have questions about their legal rights. Answers are available from an experienced medical malpractice attorney right here in Delaware. This is a complicated field of the law, and skilled advocacy in the corner of the plaintiff can be invaluable in the pursuit of a monetary judgment for damages incurred.

