Delaware’s Injury & Medical Malpractice Leaders

Recalled medical devices add to concern about surgical errors

On Behalf of | May 17, 2018 | Surgical Errors

As technology continues to develop, health care practitioners are increasingly turning to medical devices to help in a variety of tasks. While these devices can help Delaware doctors avoid surgical errors, occasionally faulty technology can have the opposite effect. This was a major concern in the first quarter of 2018, as  more medical devices were recalled during this three-month period than any time since 2005.

According to a recent report, there were 343 device recalls in the first quarter of 2018. This was a 126 percent increase compared to the last quarter of 2017 and equated to 208.4 million units of various devices. There was also an increase of 52 percent in prescription drug recalls during this period.

Experts are less concerned about the number of recalled drugs and devices than they are about the possibility of other problematic equipment that has not been identified. The vast majority of recalled items in 2018 thus far have been due to manufacturing defects. For the eighth straight quarter, the top cause of these recalls was software problems. Some are calling for a better system to report such issues to the government in order to ensure proper recalls occur and that patients are not at risk.

Often, surgical errors are considered to be caused by surgeons themselves or their assisting staff members. However, in a technology-driven era, devices can be as culpable for serious injuries or even wrongful death under a doctor’s care. Those who have been the victim of surgical errors in Delaware should contact a lawyer in the state with experience in medical negligence matters.

Source:, “Medical Device Recalls Highest Since 2005“, Elaine Silvestrini, May 9, 2018

