Delaware’s Injury & Medical Malpractice Leaders

Should you have a C-section? Your doctor should know

On Behalf of | Dec 14, 2019 | Firm News

If you’ve been attending prenatal visits at a Delaware medical center, you’re likely getting excited (and perhaps, nervous) about your baby’s upcoming birth. Whether you have several children already, or this will be your first labor and delivery experience, you no doubt plan to rely heavily on your doctor and medical team to help you and your baby enjoy the safest birthing experience possible.

Perhaps, you’re one of many pregnant women who are in a high-risk category, such as those who have gestational diabetes or high blood pressure. Your obstetrician or midwife should be well aware of potential danger signs that may mean you or your child are in need of specialized care to avoid a birth injury. In a perfect world, every licensed care provider would carry out his or her duties according to protocol and established safety standards. In reality, medical negligence can cause serious birth injuries.

What issues warrant C-sections?

Advanced technology and medical expertise have allowed pregnant women and medical teams to overcome many birth challenges that, long ago, may have claimed a mother’s or baby’s life. Your doctor or midwife knows how to recognize signs that a C-section delivery is necessary to help you and your child avoid injury. The following list shows some of the issues that would definitely cause the average obstetrician or midwife concern:

  • If your baby has measured large in size during prenatal visits, it may mean that a C-section would be safer for both of you rather than attempting a vaginal delivery.
  • Your care provider may have told you that you have a low-lying placenta. This condition is known as placenta previa and typically means that a C-section might be necessary to avoid serious, even life-threatening problems during childbirth.
  • There are several ways for determining your baby’s position as you near your due date and prepare for labor and delivery. If your baby is breech, meaning his or her feet are nearest the cervix instead of his or her head, a C-section delivery might be necessary.
  • During the third trimester, some women experience a complication known as placental abruption, which occurs when the placenta separates from the uterine wall. If this happens to you, it is an emergency situation because you will experience heavy bleeding at the site of the tear, and your baby may be without oxygen, thus necessitating removing him or her from the womb as fast and safely as possible.

Unless you yourself have an extensive background in obstetrics and gynecology, you may have no way of knowing (unless you’re in severe pain) that something is wrong that is placing you or your baby at risk for serious injury. That’s why you rely on your doctor or midwife and other medical care providers.

What if they don’t do their job right?

Sadly, thousands of women and babies suffer serious birth injuries because doctors, nurses, anesthetists or other medical workers make errors. Surviving a serious birth injury often results in permanent disability for a mother or her child. Such situations often lead to litigation in Delaware and beyond when parents seek justice to hold those responsible for damages financially and legally accountable for their negligence.

