Delaware’s Injury & Medical Malpractice Leaders

Woman sues doctor for surgical errors — wrongly removed kidney

On Behalf of | Aug 23, 2018 | Surgical Errors

Surgical errors can vary a great deal. The reason surgical errors happen, the type of mistake made and damage that is done can change from case to case. Regardless of details, the end result of many surgical errors is often compensation under civil law in Delaware or elsewhere. One woman is seeking a settlement from her doctor after he allegedly removed the wrong body part during a 2016 surgery.

According to the lawsuit, the doctor was supposed to remove a gland and mass that had formed on a woman’s kidney. Instead, he removed the healthy right kidney altogether. The lawsuit further alleges that she was not told of this until a week after the surgery. She was also told that the procedure was incomplete and that her adrenal gland would need further work

The woman went to another hospital for the corrective surgery, but was unable to escape long-term consequences from the botched procedure. She says she now suffers from incurable, progressive kidney disease as well as pain, fatigue, depression, and mental distress. The damages from surgical errors of this magnitude can be varied. They may include quantifiable expenses, like lost wages, personal care and medical costs as well as punitive damages and pain and suffering.

In this case, the woman underwent surgery in a different state than the one in which she resides. Her case is now in the hands of federal courts. Individuals in Delaware who have been the victims of a surgical errors should work with a lawyer to explore their legal options.

