Delaware’s Injury & Medical Malpractice Leaders

Man may have died from undiagnosed surgical errors

On Behalf of | Dec 20, 2017 | Surgical Errors

Trusting a loved one to someone else’s care in a Delaware medical facility can be very difficult. When a loved one’s health appears to deteriorate despite medical intervention, it can make trust even more difficult. One woman in another state spent days watching her husband’s condition worsen daily as he was hospitalized for abdominal pain, only to lose him to death. She has now filed a medical malpractice lawsuit, alleging that his death was the result of delayed diagnosis of surgical errors.

The woman’s 53-year-old husband struggled with abdominal pain for weeks and visited an emergency room for treatment. Doctors believed his tests indicated he was suffering from diverticulitis and a pelvic abscess. Diverticulitis is a complication within the intestines and can lead to serious infection. The patient would have been transferred to another hospital the next day, but a pain increase overnight forced him to remain the original hospital.

The man had surgery to repair his bowel, but his symptoms worsened and new symptoms presented. He had a serious infection, acute renal failure, elevated electrolytes and an elevated heart rate. Eventually, the patient was transferred to another hospital due to his continued deterioration where it was discovered that he had a leak in his abdominal cavity during surgery, which resulted in the complications. Despite an accurate diagnosis, the patient died soon after the transfer.

The wife was understandably distraught over her husband’s death. Her quality of life has been impacted due to her grief, and it has created financial loss with his premature burial. Families with similar tragedies that may have resulted from surgical errors could also benefit from the advice of an experienced malpractice attorney in Delaware about their own options for their own lawsuit in civil court.

Source:, “Texas widow sues Aspen Valley Hospital over husband’s 2015 death“, Rick Carroll, Dec. 17, 2017

