An April 26 date has been set as the first court date in a medical malpractice suit filed by a 40-year-old woman in another state who claims to be the victim of a surgery gone wrong. Delaware residents may be interested to know the woman is suing the doctor who used to be her obstetrician-gynecologist after she says he removed the wrong ovary. She says she is now experiencing early-onset menopause as a result of the surgical errors.
The suit was filed back in 2013 for a surgery that took place in October 2011. The woman said she was to have her right ovary removed because doctors had found a complex cyst. Three days after the surgery, she went to the emergency room, only to discover it was her left ovary that had been removed. She was later seen by another doctor who removed her right ovary.
The woman says she is not a suitable candidate for hormone replacement therapy due to an existing blood clot condition. Experts have suggested this case could go either way. An assigned jury could either sympathize with the woman’s distress, or refuse to award damages because the surgical errors did not cause her to lose the ability to have children or miss work.
Delaware residents doubtless agree the woman in question is entitled to some sort of compensation due to the severity of the surgical errors allegedly committed by the doctor. While there is a tendency to see medical professionals as somehow above these sorts of human errors, nothing could be further from the truth. This is why it is so important to seek counsel in cases where an individual feels he or she may have been the victim of medical malpractice.
Source:, “Bend woman says doctor removed wrong ovary“, Kathleen McLaughlin, April 12, 2016